
Basic Fundamental Concepts of the Internet


To fully comprehend how the Internet functions, one must grasp its basic ideas. These are some fundamental ideas:

1. Internet Basics
➤ Definition: The Internet is a global network of computers connecting to one another and communicating with one another via established protocols.

➤ Client-Server ModelThis model explains how resources are requested by clients, or user devices, and supplied by servers.

2. IP Address

➤ Definition: A device's unique identification on the Internet is its Internet Protocol (IP) address. It may be IPv4 (, for example) or IPv6 (2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334, for example).

3. Domain Name System (DNS)

➤ Definition: DNS converts domain names that are readable by humans, such as www.example.com, into IP addresses that are used by computers to identify one another.

4. Protocols

➤ Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP): The core set of protocols that allow data to be sent over the Internet.

➤ Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/HTTPS): Protocols for sending and receiving web pages. SSL/TLS is one security layer included with HTTPS.

5. Web Browsers and Web Servers

➤ Web Browser: A software program for accessing and displaying online pages, such as Firefox or Chrome.

➤ Web Server: A server that uses the Internet to store and deliver online information to users.

6. HTML and CSS

➤ HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): The common markup language used to create webpages.

➤ CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Used to manage layout, design, and style HTML components.

7. Networking

➤ Local Area Network (LAN): An area network that links devices in a specific area, such a house or business.

➤ Wide Area Network (WAN): A larger network (like the Internet itself) that links several local area networks (LANs), frequently across considerable distances.

8. Data Transmission

➤ Packets: For transmission, data is divided into smaller packets. Every packet moves on its own and may choose several paths.

➤ Routing: Routers route packets from the source to the destination across the Internet.

9. Internet Security

➤ Firewalls: Systems for maintaining network security that keep an eye on and regulate incoming and outgoing data according to predefined security criteria.

➤ Encryption: Methods for securing data that include turning it into a code that only authorized users may decipher.

10. Cloud Computing

➤ Definition: Scaling and on-demand resource access made possible by the Internet-based distribution of computer services (storage, processing, and software).

These ideas serve as the cornerstone for how the Internet works, enabling various online services as well as communication and information exchange.
