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Basic Fundamental Concepts of the Internet

  To fully comprehend how the Internet functions, one must grasp its basic ideas. These are some fundamental ideas: 1. Internet Basics      ➤ Definition:  The Internet is a global network of computers connecting to one another and communicating with one another via established protocols. ➤  Client-Server Model :  This model explains how resources are requested by clients, or user devices, and supplied by servers. 2. IP Address ➤ Definition:  A device's unique identification on the Internet is its Internet Protocol (IP) address. It may be IPv4 (, for example) or IPv6 (2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334, for example). 3. Domain Name System (DNS) ➤ Definition:  DNS converts domain names that are readable by humans, such as, into IP addresses that are used by computers to identify one another. 4. Protocols ➤  Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) : The core set of protocols that allow data to be sent over the Internet. ➤  Hypertext Tr

How does computer science and engineering vary from information technology?


Although they concentrate on various facets of computers, the domains of information technology (IT) and computer science & engineering (CSE) are closely connected.

Information Technology (IT):

1) Focus: mostly focused on the administration and application of technology for information storage, retrieval, and transmission. It covers user support, database management, networking, systems administration, and cybersecurity.

2) Applications: IT specialists frequently handle IT infrastructure, carry out data security audits, and deploy and manage technological solutions in organization settings.

3) Skills: a focus on useful skills including database management, network configuration, and system administration.

Computer Science & Engineering (CSE):

1) Focus: involves the creation of algorithms, software engineering, hardware design, and the theoretical underpinnings of computers. It blends engineering methods with computer science concepts.

2) Applications: Software development, AI, machine learning, hardware design, and computing theory research are all possible career paths for CSE specialists.

3) Skills: emphasis on problem-solving techniques, systems architecture, programming, and algorithm design.

In summary, CSE is primarily concerned with the theoretical and technical elements of computer systems, whereas IT is more concerned with using technology to address real-world issues. In the tech sector, both areas are essential, and in reality, they frequently intersect.
